A Celebration of Life
Brooks Funeral Home & Cremation Services in Des Moines, Iowa

There are many words used to describe ceremonies at the end of one’s life: funeral, wake, memorial, visitation, calling hours, graveside, burial, vigil. Recently, however, a new descriptor that has been brought forth that we find appropriate is; “A Celebration of Life.” We have seen this type of forum bring people together to support the family and the friends of the deceased in a celebratory way.
Celebrations of Life
Sometimes in our modern, busy lives, we forget the importance of our community and its ability to assist in the grieving process. Too often a decision is made not to take the time to acknowledge the fact that someone has left this physical plane. Some take the approach to “not make a big deal” or feel that “it is easier not to” celebrate publicly a death.
We respectfully disagree. There are many ways to “celebrate a life” that have a great impact and immense value to communities. Taking the time to celebrate the person who has passed and receive the support of others who care for each other is extremely important.

We offer to you many options to select from; whether you select burial in a cemetery, cremation, or anatomical donation, we can help you find a way to celebrate the life that was lived. It can be a ceremony at a place of worship or at our chapel, it can be a few hours set aside for family and friends to stop by and pay their respects, or a simple graveside service.
Let us assist you in finding an affordable, meaningful way for you to remember and feel the support of your community. You only get one chance to say goodbye, it is important to create memories that last.